GGI receives Special Accreditation for the UN Summit of the Future

Brussels -
July 2024

The Global Governance Institute has received special accreditation status for the United Nations Summit of the Future, which will take place between 22nd and 23rd September 2024 in New York. World leaders and representatives from civil society will convene to agree on a ‘Pact for the Future’, seeking to address some of the most pressing global challenges faced by humanity. An important focus of the summit and negotiations will include proposals for ‘transforming global governance’.

The GGI team will provide their input during the Summit and will also co-organize a range of side events, including events on the future of mediation, AI and Global Governance as well as on the Future of UN Peacekeeping.

For some of GGI’s recent work on these topics, please visit the AI and Global Governance page as well as our recent work for the UN on the future of UN peacekeeping in Latin America and South and Central Asia.

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