Gauri Khandekar

Senior Resident Fellow
Global Environmental Governance

Gauri Khandekar is a Senior Fellow in the Global Environmental Governance section. She is also a Researcher at the Brussels School of Governance – VUB. Prior, Gauri was the Deputy Director and Director Europe at the think tank Global Relations Forum; Coordinator for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s Energy and Urban Transformation Project; and Project Leader for the EU Delegation to India’s Think Tanks Twinning Project.

Between 2010 and 2015, Gauri was Head of Asia Programme at Brussels and Madrid based think tank FRIDE. In 2012, Gauri was Resident Handa Research Fellow at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Pacific Forum in Honolulu, USA. Gauri has also worked at the European Commission, the European Parliament, the G20, the UNHQ, a Brussels based American consultancy (Burson Marsteller) and a Brussels based communications enterprise (Tipik S.A.). Gauri holds two Masters degrees in European Studies with distinction from the Institute of Political Sciences in Lille (France), and the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium). She is the author/editor of 7 books and numerous other publications.

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