Global shifts in the organisation and management of educational institutions, questions of access to and distribution of open and global learning resources from the private and public sector, coupled with changing student habits and evolving learning environments require comprehensive answers. The field of global education governance is already emerging as complex transnational networks of policy-making and innovations, driven by national and sub-national governments, regional and international organisations, as well as public and private actors. Harnessing the potential of change, whilst avoiding unnecessary risks will be a core challenge for all education stakeholders, providers and policy-makers alike. We seek to provide comprehensive research, timely policy advice, as well as a range of training and learning opportunities related to education reform and the future of teaching and learning. Our principal objectives are to foster and advance global dialogue on the future of education, nurture innovative and creative thinking throughout all levels of education and provide support to policy-makers and education leaders for tackling some of the most pressing issues related to the future of global education.
