Christian Rieck

Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Peace and Security

Dr. Christian E. Rieck is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow in the Peace and Security section. He is also an Associate Professor for Development and Defence at the Chair of War Studies at the University of Potsdam with a focus on German foreign relations and European defence, and Academic Coordinator for its programs in War Studies.

Previous posts in applied research include the foreign policy institute at Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the European Foresight Program at the technology think tank Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, the Latin American Institute of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies GIGA, as well as a Carlo Schmid Fellowship at the UN in Mexico City. At KAS Christian first worked for several years in comparative democracy studies, where he was involved in the development of a qualitative democracy index. In the foreign policy analysis unit of KAS he was then responsible for development policy, where he dealt with topics such as Agenda 2030, the national sustainability strategy and the migration crisis. He also authored studies on security and development in the MENA, Indo-Pacific and Latin America regions, and the G7/G20. He has been interviewed by media at home and abroad. Christian also teaches international relations, global governance, contemporary history and foreign and development policy at renowned universities in Berlin, Brussels, Strasbourg and Madrid– tutoring gifted students for the Federal Ministry of Education and Science as well as diplomatic and development staff at the Academy for International Cooperation at GIZ in Bonn. He was a member of the Think Tank 20 process of the G20. Christian holds a PhD on the history of German science diplomacy by the University of Oxford and a postgraduate degree in Latin American Studies by the University of Oxford. Before that he studied law and economics in Bayreuth and Seville, then European and international public law at HU Berlin as well as at the European University Institute in Florence. His work on European integration was awarded, among others, the Prize on the Future of Europe from the German Council on Foreign Relations.

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