Thaddée Toulouse

Non-Resident Fellow
Ukraine Programme

Thaddée Toulouse is a Non-Resident Fellow in the GGI Ukraine Progamme. He holds a Bachelor’s degree with Summa Cum Laude honors from the Sciences Po Paris Institute for Political Studies, majoring in European Affairs, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Economics obtained with highest honors at the Université de Lorraine in parallel to his political studies. He is currently pursuing a dual-degree Master at the Sciences Po Paris School of Management and Impact and Bocconi University in Milan.

Thaddée has wide experience in politics, public administration, and the private sector, especially in the context of Ukraine. He recently completed an internship in the team of the French President’s Special Envoy for Aid and Reconstruction of Ukraine based in the French Foreign ministry, focusing on the mobilization of private investment and the implementation of European financial support for reconstruction. In 2023, he worked for six months in Ukraine alongside Ukrainian civil society and local authorities to further the relationships between French and Ukrainian municipalities, in the context of Ukraine’s path to European integration. Previously, he interned at the International Relations department of Thales, a major French defense company; in the Serbia office of SUEZ, a major French infrastructure company; and in the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, in Germany.

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