Peace and security

Contemporary approaches for tackling international peace and security issues require not only a coherent global approach, but also mutually reinforcing responses involving an effective United Nations system in tandem with strong regional organizations. We focus on strengthening United Nations peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts and on enhancing the effectiveness of military and civilian approaches to the protection of civilians.

Shattered Security: Gender And Coups In Guinea, Mali, And Burkina Faso
Gerald Acho
A coup d'état, or coup, is the seizure of physical and political control of state machinery by a small group of people. This is often a forcibly military-imposed rule which has a goal of replacing the government. Coups have a long and widespread history in Africa. Since the independence of most African states during the 1960s, there has been an upsurge in Unconstitutional Changes of Government (UCGs) which in many cases, lead to coups. The number of coups across the continent’s fifty-four countries has ranged between eight and twenty-six every decade.
New GGI Advice Report: LAC Contributions to UN Peace Operations
Joachim Koops
María José Maldonado
GGI is pleased to announce the publication of its latest in-depth report titled “Contributions of Latin America and the Caribbean to UN Peace Operations and Recommendations to Increase this Participation” published in cooperation with the Light Coordination Mechanism / United Nations Peacekeeping Integrated Training Service.
Armed Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh: Crisis, Exodus, and Ethnic Cleansing
Matthew Tentler
The mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh has been a source of ethnic conflict for centuries. At the end of the Soviet Union, this conflict took on a new intensity, as the various former Socialist Republics sought independence and territorial acquisition. The First (1988-1994) and Second (2020) Nagorno-Karabakh Wars were substantial in destabilizing the region and severing the long-term relational potential between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The most recent Azerbaijani military operation has resulted in the dissolution of Nagorno-Karabakh’s self-declared government, the Republic of Artsakh, and a regional humanitarian crisis due to the entire population of Nagorno-Karabakh fleeing.
Thinking of Eloho – One Year On
Joachim Koops
One year ago, family, friends, acquaintances and former work colleagues got together in New York to honour, commemorate and celebrate the life of a loving husband, father, friend, wonderful former colleague and extraordinary human being. At the same time, the funeral marked the acute sense of pain and loss.
The Strategic Compass and the EU's Security & Defence Partnerships
Joachim Koops
Ramon Pacheco Pardo
GGI led a new study for the EP’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) on the EU’s Global Security and Defence Partnerships in the wake of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.
Franco-German Perspectives: Europe's Moment of Geopolitics
Landry Charrier
Hans-Dieter Heumann
President Macron’s remarks on Taiwan and the immediate reactions by policy-makers and commentators felt like a déjà vu. While he wanted to talk about the importance of European strategic autonomy, his partners understood equidistance and turning away from the US. Not that the timing was bad. A few hours earlier, China had launched a large-scale military maneuver off Taiwan with the aim of testing the sealing off of the island state. A clear message from President Macron would have strengthened France's position in the Indo-Pacific and drawn attention to the key point of his interview of early April. But things turned out differently. The speech he gave two days later in The Hague was drowned out by the never-ending criticism related to his earlier remarks on Taiwan. Yet, his earlier remarks laid the foundations for a European economic doctrine that deserves more substantial attention and more discussion. Unfortunately, this did not happen either.
NATO Allies and the Protection of Civilians
Joachim Koops
NATO as an organization and Allies have made significant progress in developing PoC policies and guidance. However, it is less clear how prepared the Alliance is to implement and mobilize its PoC approach in a future crisis.
Doing less with more? The difficult return of Western troop contributing countries to UN Peacekeeping
Alexandra Novosseloff
John Karlsrud
Among others, the deployment of the UN stabilization mission to Mali (MINUSMA) in 2013 has been characterized by a number of researchers as a ‘return’ of Western troop contributors to United Nations (UN) peacekeeping in Africa. The aim of this report is to look at the reality of that ‘return,’ and whether it has enhanced the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping overall and of the UN mission in Mali in particular. In policy and academic circles, the return has been hailed as an opportunity for Western member states to contribute niche capabilities such as ISRs including surveillance drones, military transport and attack helicopters, special forces, and to share experiences and practices developed over a long period of counterinsurgency and counterterrorism warfare in e.g. Afghanistan and Iraq. In Mali, the UN mission is mired in a situation where these experiences were considered as relevant, all the more so as some considered that new UN peacekeeping missions could be deployed to Libya, Somalia, Syria, or in Yemen, thereby making Mali a key testing ground for the future from this perspective. However, while Western countries may indeed have lessons to share, the report argues that so far their contribution to MINUSMA has been a very mixed blessing. The report explores these challenges and impact of them on the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping, defined as the ability to sustain peace over time.
EU-CELAC partnership: make it real, make it political
Joachim Koops
The EU’s foreign direct investment in Latin American and Caribbean States is more than the EU’s investment in Russia, India and China combined.
Civil Society Reforms in Uzbekistan: More than Government Chicanery?
Hubertus Jürgenliemk
‘Central Asia has a centuries-old tradition of bringing Europe and Asia together’ states the EU’s Central Asia Strategy (2007). One promising avenue for bridging the European Union and Central Asian countries is via civil society. As one of the most traditional and least likely candidates, Uzbekistan has recently shown signs of opening to Civil Society Organisations. Before this background, this Briefing Paper asks if the opening by the government is genuine or pure chicanery? If the latter, how can we explain that one of the most authoritarian countries on Earth raises expectations it cannot satisfy?